In October, HeartFelt held a FUNdraiser at Prana for aid to Venezuela. Thanks to your generous contributions, we raised almost $8,000! With that support, we were able to send many packages of desperately needed goods to our MSIA family in Venezuela as well as several other humanitarian organizations. Here's a short video and then many more pictures below.
Homeless and impoverished children thanking us for our donations
Your donations FINALLY arrived safely in Venezuela. Thank you, too, for all your prayers! We wanted to share some pictures and a short video of where your donations went:
We are going to continue our support and aid to our MSIA family in Venezuela as well as the other humanitarian organizations. Venezuela remains in critical need of Light, love, and aid.
We are making a special effort to collect desperately needed supplies at this Sunday’s Ministers Meeting (February 24). We will also be selling a few donated items at the meeting, including lovely bags made by a Venezuelan and some beautiful handmade cups by our very own minister, David Whitaker.
If you can help at this Sunday’s Ministers Meeting please:
♥ Donate any of the items listed below at the meeting
♥ Purchase some of the items for sale
♥ Donate via a check or cash at the meeting
Here are pictures of the items that will be available for sale at the Ministers Meeting:
These beautiful handmade bags made in Venezuela from palm tree leaves will be available for sale at the ministers meeting as well as some handmade cups made and donated by fellow minister, David Whitaker
In-Kind Donations We're Collecting:
Of course, at any time in the next few weeks feel free to:
♥ Donate the items listed above to the HeartFelt office at Prana
♥ Donate via a check or cash sent to HeartFelt (3500 W Adams Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90018)
♥ Donate through the MSIA website here:
DONATE HERE (Select HeartFelt Foundation)
Grateful Recipients of our October Campaign
Children from the Bambi House in Venezuela which provides holistic and nurturing care to more than 125 children and youth between 0 and 18 years of age who are not able to live with their families, separated from their family environment due to abuse, mistreatment or economic hardship.
Elderly seniors from Hogar San Jose Retirement Home in Venezuela saying thank you! At Hogar, 162 seniors are cared for by 11 nuns.
This little boy and his mother live on the street. He just had heart surgery. The director of one of the organizations we donated to went out to the poorest families and those on the streets and gave them food.
Our Ministers and MSIA family in Venezuela with their food and basic necessities for themselves and their family.
A malnourished baby whom our MSIA ministers were able to feed. He was so happy!
To see more pictures, click here: HERE
Thank you for your loving support for Venezuela and this HeartFelt Foundation fundraiser!
"The highest form of consciousness is service. And the highest form of service is selfless service." – John-Roger, D.S.S.