"I was having dinner with two friends recently, and I was sitting between them in one of those curved booths at a restaurant. I reached over and touched them and said, 'This feels like Christmas to me.' They looked at me and I said, 'It's because I'm with people who love.' Not people I love, but people who love. There is a difference. I didn't have to love them; they were loving.”
- John-Roger, D.S.S.
The HeartFelt Foundation is sponsoring a Christmas event for Los Angeles children in need. HeartFelt is supporting the great work of Pastor Benny Herrera in East LA by hosting this event to spread Christmas cheer to the underprivileged children from Pastor Benny's church and the East LA neighborhood. For many this may be their only Christmas gift and Christmas celebration.
We will also be supporting Maryvale children who are in the foster care system, abused and neglected kids from the greater Los Angles area.
Your help is needed! Here are the ways to participate:
* Drop off donated toys and gifts at donation boxes at Prana (3500 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles) by Friday, December 14
* Monetary Donation here: Donate Here
* Assist as a Toy Organizer Monday, December 10th - Friday, December 15th from 11am-5pm. Assist for one day, multiple days, for an hour or several hours! We are grateful for your assistance! Please contact Skyler if you would like to assist with this: skyler@heartfelt.org
*Assist during the Toy Distribution event for the children in East LA (2900 E Olympic Blvd) on Sunday, December 16th 11:30am-4:30pm. We would love to have you join us in distributing the toys and joining in the celebration! Please contact Skyler if you would like to assist with this: skyler@heartfelt.org
**Please note that while there will not be an event for the the Maryvale donations as their schedule and regulations don't permit it this year, donations, especially their most needed items, which we will package up into welcome-gifts along with their Christmas presents, are gratefully appreciated!**
Our goal is to collect at least 250 toys and other Christmas donations
AGE: Children Ages 1-13 years old (boys and girls)
We are only able to accept NEW and UNWRAPPED items.
Suggested Toys Items
· Baby rattles
· Interactive crib toys/musicals
· Soft baby dolls
· Teddy Bears
· Markers and colored pencils and coloring books
· Super hero action figures & Dinosaurs
· Barbies and other dolls
· Bubbles, Play-Doh
· Craft and bead kits
· Pop-up toys
· UNO cards and other card games
· Board games
· L.A. sports team sports swag
· Balls—footballs, soccer, volleyballs
· Etc., etc.
Maryvale's Most Needed Items
* Shampoo
* Conditioner
* African American Hair Products
* Toothpaste
* Toothbrushes
* Hair Brushes and combs
* Feminine Hygiene Products
* Sports Bras (Women Sizes, M-XXL)
* Large Plastic Ziploc Bags to make intake bags (toiletries-for new arrivals)
* Wrapping Paper
December 2017 HeartFelt Christmas "Elves"
If you are in another part of the country or world, we encourage you to get together with your community and come together in service for the holidays. Take pictures of your event and let us know what you did and we'll feature it in a special "Christmas 2018" HeartFelt Global Network Newsletter!
If this has inspired you to share your ministry or service in future HeartFelt Global Network articles, please get in touch! Email Skyler@heartfelt.org
"The highest form of consciousness is service. And the highest form of service is selfless service." – John-Roger, D.S.S.