HeartFelt Christmas
While this has certainly has been and continues to be an unusual year, the Christmas season remains an important time of Light and joy—now perhaps more than ever.
Thanks to your INCREDIBLE generosity, we were able to make this Christmas extra special for many children and their families.
Our MSIA family donated the complete $1,500 needed for a brand new bathroom at Joshua House in Encinatas! They had been shut down for not having the bathroom up to health codes, preventing Pastor Benny from delivering much needed food to the local children in Encinatas, Mexico. For many children these meals are their only source for breakfast and lunch. The cafeteria was started by Pastor Benny years ago as a way to keep the children well-fed enough to continue their schooling.
Bathroom renovation process at Joshua House in Encinatas, Mexico
When I sent Pastor Benny the funds we raised to fully cover the necessary repairs at Joshua House he was brought to tears. And that was before I told him we had also raised an additional $200+ for food for the children there! He was deeply moved by all of your generosity and kindness and sends his love and prayers to you all. As he said, working together to help each other out is the greatest gift we can give.
Food donations at Joshua House in Encinatas, Mexico
The children at Joshua House in Encinatas
Additionally, we well surpassed our $4,000 goal (you all donated over $6,500!) for Christmas toys and hot meals for hundreds of underprivileged families in East LA! This enabled Pastor Benny and his family to purchase all the needed toys and hot meals for the local families in East LA who are greatly in need this Christmas. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, these presents we provided often were the only presents the children received for Christmas, and this year the impact is even more deeply felt and appreciated.
All the toys have already been purchased and are waiting to be given out to the children. Unfortunately, due to the strict COVID lockdown restrictions, HeartFelt and Pastor Benny are unable to distribute the toys and hot meals at an event/party like we usually do. But there will be many grateful families nevertheless.
During this difficult time, we are also all sending love, Light and prayers to all those who have been affected by or lost a loved one due to the COVID-19 pandemic. As a way to support further healing and awareness, HeartFelt has also donated to the Rose River Memorial Project.
The Rose River Memorial Project is a beautiful community-collaborative art installation that represents the enormity of the loss from the COVID-19 crisis. The memorial's intention is to be a focus for all of us to mourn and heal, personally and as a nation.
Each handcrafted red rose, symbolizing both the official floral emblem of the United States as well as symbolizing the passing of the spirit, are placed in undulating rows in a stunning outdoor location, one rose for each life lost.
The project has already begun with several installations around the Los Angeles area representing those lost locally. They're intending to continue expanding the project all the way to a national level, with an installation in Washington DC.
Mock up of the DC installation
Minister Carolyn Freyer-Jones was instrumental in introducing HeartFelt to this project. Carolyn lost her father due to COVID-19 in July and has since then become the founder of The Friday Minute which has been featured across the nation (you can check out a recent article featured in the Los Angeles Times here or visit The Friday Minute website here).
Carolyn has shared, "The Rose River Memorial is special to me because it's about the loving. Loving hands from all over the country and world are crafting thousands of felt roses to represent all the beautiful lives that completed and those that are grieving. It's a beautiful project."
HeartFelt's donation will go to 166 felt rose making kits which translates to 1,333 roses. If you would like HeartFelt to continue supporting this project you may do so via a donation below (please email Skyler at to let me know your donation is for The Rose River Memorial Project). Additionally, if you'd like a felt rose making kit for the project sent to you, you can do so here.
Learn more about Rose River Memorial Project here
"The highest form of consciousness is service. And the highest form of service is selfless service." – John-Roger, D.S.S.
December 2019 HeartFelt Christmas "Elves"
Your generosity, and your Light and love are so greatly appreciated.