Rosemead, CA : On Friday morning, December 22nd, minister James Burton and I visited Maryvale in Rosemead, California as HeartFelt ambassadors.
Maryvale houses children ages 6 to 12 who have recently been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect or abandonment. It also is home to girls ages 13-18 who have been removed from their homes by the Department of Children and Family Services or referred by the Department of Probation.
Most girls in residence at Maryvale have been profoundly traumatized by prior abuse, abandonment or neglect and suffer from the effects of numerous failed placements in foster care facilities.
Interacting with the children themselves requires a 40 hour training program, because of the delicate condition they are in when they arrive at Maryvale.
We were greeted by the director of volunteer services, Roxxi Bartlett, who gave us a tour of the campus.
The Maryvale campus is an incredibly beautiful and serene place situated on top of a hill in east Los Angeles. Though off a main road, the campus is quiet, peaceful and filled with nature.
There was plenty of wide open space and beautiful landscaping that offered an oasis in the greater Los Angeles area. There is a large grassy area with some picnic tables where Roxxi told us the children love to run around and play. It also serves as the meeting place when parents are able to come visit their children.
In addition to the residential buildings there is a gorgeous chapel, a gym where a personal trainer comes to work with the girls 3-5 times a week, an art studio where art is taught twice a week, several playgrounds, and a large cafeteria.
At any given time, Maryvale houses about 73 children.
Mother Theresa visiting Maryvale in 1973
After meeting Roxxi and taking the tour of the campus, we donated eight large boxes of both toys and everyday essentials that were much-needed. To give you an idea of how grateful they were for the donations, Roxxi almost burst into tears upon seeing the packages of feminine hygiene products.
The toys and necessities we were able to donate were made possible by your donations to HeartFelt, so thank you all for your loving support of HeartFelt's ministering and work.
HeartFelt is looking to continue ministering to the children at Maryvale by putting together welcome packages every month, since there are constantly new children coming in and out of Maryvale.
These packages would include things such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, combs, etc. with a nice little teddy bear or toy for the younger children, and music (mp3 player and headphones) for the teens to add that special touch of our loving hearts.
We will put together these care packages on the 4th Thursday of each month at Prana from 10am-1pm on the following dates for the next 6 months:
Thursday, January 25
Thursday, February 22
Thursday, March 22
Thursday, April 26
Thursday, May 24
*Thursday, June 21 (3rd Thursday)
If you are interested in donating to this ongoing effort or participating in putting together these welcome packages for Maryvale children, please contact me at
"The highest form of consciousness is service. And the highest form of service is selfless service." – John-Roger, D.S.S.